Here at Calm Spa and Salon we love offering NEW SERVICES whenever possible.
Our most recent new service being offered is, TEETH WHITENING

Below we answer some of the questions you may have about this service.
Is Laser Teeth Whitening safe?
Yes, it is SAFE and FDA approved! The LED light and the gel ingredients are safe for cosmetic teeth whitening. The gel is all plant based – so super natural! This process has been used for many years even in the dental industry. There is NO BLEACH in the gel!
How long does it take?
It takes up to two hours. We do 3 rounds for 20 minutes each. Depending on how your natural tooth reacts we can do a 4th round which is totally optional.
How many shades whiter will your teeth get?
It varies from person to person. The average whitening is 5-14 shades whiter. You will leave with your teeth the whitest they can naturally go. Everyone has a natural stopping point and everyone responds differently. 4 shades is average for a clients first session. Lifestyle and genetics are a big factor when its comes to teeth whitening.
How long will your teeth stay white?
It really depends on your lifestyle and the foods and drinks you consume daily! Maintaining is KEY! We love using Charcoal Powder to brush our teeth with 2x a week. You can now purchase the charcoal powder at Calm.
What if you have sensitive teeth?
Most clients experience little to no sensitivity during or after the sessions because our product is so natural. But it is important to stay hydrated that will help with feeling sensitive before and after your appointment.
Does it work on dental work?
Yes! It will whiten the tooth back to its original color and will not whiten beyond that.
What food should you avoid for the first 24-36 hours?
Coffee, tea, soda, kool-aid, red wine, tomato sauce, red meat, dark colored fruits and veggies. If it stains your white shirt, it will stain your teeth!
If scheduling teeth whitening at Calm Spa and Salon, we ask prior to your appointment to drink lots of water. It helps with sensitivity. You can not eat for 2 hours after, so keep that in mind. Don’t worry about brushing your teeth – it’s better not to.
Also, We recommend bringing headphones or a book since you’ll be sitting for a little bit! The first initial service cost is $150 and $99 for touch ups.
You can book this service online at or by calling 801-404-1254.