Tag Archives: lashes

How to Prepare for Your Eyelash Extension Appointment

It’s important to prepare for your eyelash extension appointment to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that you end up with the beautiful, full lashes that you want. Here are a few things that you should do before your appointment:

Avoid using any oil-based products around your eyes, including makeup remover and moisturizer. Oil can break down the adhesive used to apply the lashes, causing them to fall out prematurely.

If you have sensitive eyes or allergies, let your lash technician know beforehand. They may recommend using a different adhesive or applying a patch test to ensure that you don’t have a reaction.

Arrive at your appointment with clean, dry lashes. If you wash your face before your appointment, make sure to pat your lashes dry before leaving the house.

Overall, the key to a successful eyelash extension appointment is preparation. By taking the time to follow these steps, you can ensure that your lashes turn out exactly how you want them.